- Bright Beginnings groups, home visits, and video review focus on the parent with the child.
- Personal Best focuses on the adult development of parents both within and in addition to their parenting role.
Bright Beginnings Parent-Child Program and Personal Best are two parenting programs that can be implemented together or separately.
- Competent Kids, Caring Communities is a school-wide curriculum for early childhood and elementary schools. Visit: to find out more about the CKCC Program.
Bright Beginnings
Parent-Child Program
Bright Beginnings, created by Martha Edwards, PhD, is for parents who are making the transition to parenthood and parents with infants and toddlers. It is a structured curriculum of discussions with parents and parent-child activities designed to help parents promote their children’s mental health, well-being, and school readiness. It consists of four components: Prenatal Group, Parent-Child Group, Home Visiting, and Video Review. We provide training and consultation in NYC and beyond to implement Bright Beginnings.
Personal Best
Personal Best, created by Judy Grossman, DrPH, OTR, is a group and home visiting intervention that promotes the parents’ reflective function, executive function skills, social support and self-efficacy. The aim is to improve parents’ adaptive coping skills in different roles (e.g., parent, partner, friend, worker/student, homemaker). A core feature is the process of building resilience through graded mastery experiences and mutual support.
Competent Kids,
Caring Communities
CKCC is a Competent Kids, Caring Communities (CKCC), originally created by Marcia Stern, PsyD, is a school-wide curriculum for early childhood and elementary schools whose mission is to develop Competent Kids within the context of Caring Communities through building social-emotional competencies and strengthening home-school partnerships. CKCC is highly rated as a “SELect” program by Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). It provides educators with two essential ingredients for academic success: (1) tools to teach social emotional competencies and (2) strategies to involve parents directly in their children’s learning. Visit: to find out more about the CKCC Program.
Over the last five years, Bright Beginnings and/or Personal Best have been implemented at:
- Bright Futures Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program, Washington, DC
- DC Child and Family Services, Washington, DC
- Cardinal McCloskey Community Services, Bronx
- Child Center of New York, Early Head Start Program, Queens.
- Coalition for Hispanic Family Services, Bushwick, Brooklyn.
- Elizabeth Ministries Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program, Washington DC
- Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Early Head Start, Bronx
- Leake and Watts Mother-Child Residential Program, Manhattan.
- Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Manhattan
- New York Foundling Mother-Child Residential Program, Staten Island and Bronx.
- University Settlement House, Early Head Start Program, Lower East Side, Manhattan.
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